If the game remains unplayable 30 mins after the scheduled maintenance start time for the relevant platform, then check the current R6 Siege server status right here.Fans all remember that R6: Patriots was eventually canceled due to its technical shortcomings until Ubisoft decided to reboot the franchise with Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege. While many team kills were likely accidental, other players would take advantage of the glitch to troll other users during the voting process. Additionally, thanks to the notification fix, players should be less likely to perform team kills now. There are now fewer potential delays when canceling a match, allowing users to more quickly get back into the competitive action. Although there are no exciting character or weapon buffs and nerfs this time around, patch 4.3.1 brings some great quality of life improvements to the game. The official Rainbow Six Siege Twitter account shared this list of updates included in the 2.02 patch.